Every Weather Guarantee starts as a quote that is presented to the customer. The price of a quote is determined by three factors:
- Location: where is the lodging/activity/attraction located. We use exact latitude and longitude to determine the location and we track weather conditions within a 5km radius. For rain coverage, a location more prone to rain will, all else being equal, generate a higher priced quote than a drier location.
- Dates: when does the coverage occur. Dates of coverage influence quote price: a quote for the same location will vary in price depending on seasonal weather patterns. All else being equal, a quote for rain coverage for Seattle in February will be more expensive than a quote for Seattle in August.
- Cart Price: we generate quotes that are a percentage price of the customer's shopping cart. We won't return a quote if we can't generate a quote within that price ratio. This often occurs if a customer requests a quote a couple of days before their trip and the weather has a high likelihood of being poor, e.g. a hurricane forecasted to arrive during the trip.
These are the only three pieces of information required to generate a quote. Optionally, a partner can pass us customer billing information and we can calculate and add sales tax to the quote. See Tax Integration for more details.
Updated 12 months ago