
New API to assess taxes on quotes

Sensible Weather is required to collect and remit sales tax on the purchase of Weather Guarantees when we are Merchant of Record. We have released the Assess Taxes Guarantee Quote endpoint to enable partners to add taxes to a quote. This enables the partner to surface the correct sales tax to customers and ensures that Sensible Weather charges the customer for the full cost of the Weather Guarantee plus applicable sales tax. This endpoint should only be used when Sensible Weather is the Merchant of Record. More details are available in Tax Integration.


Accept and Charge added as new API to accept quotes

We have added a new API to support partners that require us to be Merchant of Record for the Weather Guarantee and have the ability to pass us payment details to charge the customer for the cost of the Weather Guarantee. The new API is Accept and Charge Guarantee Quote and more details can be found in Scenario 1: Sensible Weather is Merchant of Record.


Exposure address support added to quote creation

Create Guarantee Quote now accepts an exposure address instead of a latitude and longitude for partners that can't send us the lat/long of an exposure. At least one of address or lat/long is required. If both are provided, then lat/long will be used for quoting. The response will always return the lat/long, regardless of whether address or lat/long is provided in the request.


Notable SDK / Widget Version Upgrades

Version 1.1.0


Short ID added to accept quote responses

We have added a new field, short_id to the response body of the Accept Quote API calls. The short_id is a 20 character ID that can be used instead of the 36 character id. This is a field requested by partners that have constraints on the size of the Weather Guarantee ID.