
Notable SDK / Widget Version Upgrades

Version 1.1.0

Introduction of plain language (replacing hardcoded strings).

The quote object will provide suggested plain language to be used when incorporating the quote into your checkout UI. The main namespace includes language suitable for the embedded component, while the details namespace includes language suitable for either a popup modal or separate page.

Some plain language strings are required. They contain content for legal compliance or reference a specific weather peril (rain in this case). Once weather peril keys are in place they can be used to dynamically support content for other weather perils such as high temperature, precipitation, etc.


"plain_language": {
        "details": {
            "action": "Add",
            "close": "Close Window",
            "disclaimer": "By purchasing a Weather Guarantee, I agree to share my name, email and phone number with Sensible Weather to fulfill my purchase, and agree to Sensible Weather's policies:",
            "step_1_body": "Sensible Weather diligently tracks the forecast during your trip.",
            "step_1_heading": "Watching the Forecast",
            "step_2_body": "Bad weather forecasted? Sensible will text when your reimbursement is ready.",
            "step_2_heading": "Keeping you Updated",
            "step_3_body": "Once reimbursed, simply transfer funds to the account of your choosing.",
            "step_3_heading": "Money Back, Promptly",
            "steps_heading": "What to Expect from Sensible Weather:",
            "suggested_price": "Add a Weather Guarantee for $5.55/day",
            "suggested_price_total": "$22.21 total",
            "summary_body": "A forecasted \"light rain\" of 1.5 mm, or more, for 4+ hours will trigger the daily coverage. We'll alert you if bad weather is on the horizon.",
            "summary_body_alt_unit": "A forecasted \"light rain\" of 0.15 cm, or more, for 4+ hours will trigger the daily coverage. We'll alert you if bad weather is on the horizon.",
            "summary_explainer": "Light rain is when you walk outside, and the ground looks like it's been raining, think small puddles.",
            "summary_heading": "Included in Your Coverage:",
            "summary_subheading": "How's the coverage triggered?",
            "summary_tiers": [
                "4+ hours of rain = $37.00/day"
            "summary_times": "Forecasted rain between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM each day.",
            "title": "Get Reimbursed for Bad Weather"
        "documents": {
            "privacy_policy": {
                "link": "",
                "title": "Privacy Policy"
            "terms_conditions": {
                "link": "",
                "title": "Terms and Conditions"
        "main": {
            "action": "Add Weather Guarantee",
            "body": "Give yourself peace of mind knowing you'll be proactively reimbursed up to 100% each day it's forecast to rain 4+ hours between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.",
            "details_action": "See Details",
            "disclaimer": "By purchasing a Weather Guarantee, I agree to share my name, email and phone number with Sensible Weather to fulfill my purchase, and agree to Sensible Weather's policies:",
            "open_details": "Learn More",
            "suggested_price": "Add a Weather Guarantee for $5.55/day",
            "suggested_price_total": "$22.21 total",
            "title": "Get Reimbursed for Bad Weather"
    "documents": [
            "name": "Terms and Conditions",
            "link": ""
            "name": "Privacy Policy",
            "link": ""

Version 1.4.0

  • Feature: Ability to display multiple instances of the widget in a check out flow (not showing multiple quotes within the widget itself).

Version 1.5.0

  • Redesign: Major visual redesign
  • Redesign: Details view is now inaccessible until quote is loaded
  • Redesign: Loading state has reduced text in favor of loading iconography

Version 1.5.1

  • Redesign:Updated widget UI for the embedded component and the popup modal, including a new (required) legal disclaimer.
  • Redesign:quote.main.disclaimer should be displayed next to any “Add Weather Guarantee” CTA to make it clear that by purchasing a Weather Guarantee a customer is agreeing to our legal policies.
  • Feature: Added SensibleLoaded event to window element to better track Sensible object availability.

Version 1.5.2

  • Feature: Added support for precipitation peril types
  • Bugfix: Preserved access to SDK only Sensible.quote.createQuote function