If quote is created and user does not add to cart and does complete booking, do we need to decline the quote?
Yes, DeclineQuote
should be used in this case to ensure we archive any unused quotes.
If quote is created and user does not add to cart and does not complete booking, do we need to decline the quote?
is not required in this case.
How long before a trip can the weather quote be offered?
We can create quotes up to the day before a trip begins, though the odds of not being able to provide an acceptable offer due to high risk of bad weather does increase as the date approaches.
What items in the customer's cart should be included in the price passed to Sensible Weather to generate the quote?
All components of the booking/experience should be included, including the primary attraction and any add ons. For example, if a campsite booking includes $100 for the price of the campsite and $25 for an optional fire pit, then the total price of $125 should be sent to Sensible Weather when calling Create Guarantee Quote. There are exceptions for items like merchandise which are not part of the primary booking/experience.
What items should be included in the coverage?
The exposure_total_coverage_amount
should include the cost of the primary booking and any add-ons that directly relate to the booking. Examples are fire pits at a campsite, golf carts at a golf course, or optional ride passes at an amusement park. Items in the cart that aren't part of the experience, such as merchandise, should not be included in the exposure_total_coverage_amount
Updated 8 months ago